Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Carol King is BEAUTIFUL

So much going on!
  We saw BEAUTIFUL last night and I highly recommend it to everyone! Interestingly, it was not just about her but also about the musical writers they were in competition with: Mann and Weil.  And all their music was MY music (and probably yours.)
We had spent the early part of the day just sitting on the red chairs in Times Square and watching the flow of the interesting pedestrians.
 Found out that
Should be on Kindle by early next week.
Today is the NYC Tenement Museum to learn something of how our ancestors lived.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My wife and I are in NYC.
 Last night we saw my cousin, Ken Greves give fine jazz performance at Natumbo's down on 2nd Ave.  Great job, Ken! While there we met his partner for the first time and he was a sweet, young man.
 Just got back from Times Square. People watching, eating junk food and watching some sweet girls getting fully body painted and jiggling around--too bad we had to leave!
 Going to see 'Beautiful' this evening and the Tenement Museum tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

So, in the rush to get ABIGAIL"S BLOOD PASSION on Kindle, I somehow made an error in my email!  Next is to write up a press release...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sequel to BONE TEAR has begun

While the ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION is is it's final few weeks of gestation, I've decided to go through all the pages of several legal pads and being the sequel to BONE TEAR.  It will be called THE AGONY of BONE TEAR...all I can promise those who've asked for it, is that it will be far darker than the original.

Friday, March 20, 2015

It must be February 48th because it's freakin' SNOWING!
  So what's happening?  I FINALLY got my website <>  up and running but it will be a work in progress--what self-inflicted torment we writers put ourselves through!
 ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION is on the cusp of publication! C'mon CreateSpace!
 When Abigail is up and running I can begin working on THE AGONY OF BONE TEAR to satisfy myself and the readers of BONE TEAR (got a lovely review of it today).
 I'm really going to try to get on here more often...mea culpa.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Upside of Oral Surgery

Is there anything worse than sitting in  a reclined chair while a stranger with two assistants do unspeakable things to your mouth? Well, ok, there are a lot worse things but you know what I mean.
 I was prepared for the ordeal by first taking some temapzepam an hour before the event. This, I was told, was for anxiety...of which I had none, really. I knew this whole thing was not going to be fun from the beginning.
  Arrived at the posh office and everyone was all polite smiles and cheerful dispositions and I wondered why it took two no nonsense assistants to usher me into the office. Did they think I would make a break for it?
 Dentist arrives promptly and is filled with assurances but at least he does not offer any jokes as he begins to inject the local anesthetic into all parts of my mouth--so much that the tip of my nose goes numb and that's ok because then they hook me to the nitrous oxide. Now I've never had 'laughing gas' or 'sweet air' before and I was hoping to get some sort of rush.  You've no idea how disappointed I was!
It was explained to me that this would make me less conscious of how much time I'd be worked on. Well, the nine hours of lying there and listening to the cracks and buzzing felt just like nine hours!
  I do have to admit that I did feel groggy when it was all done--they wheeled me out to my patient wife who'd had her hair done and all I could day way "Mgrmmph" as my mouth was stuffed with gauze.
Feel good today, however and the best part is that i should stick to cool/cold beverages for the next several days and no strenuous activity which means I can write, watch TV, write and drink beer! So back to the final proof of ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What happened to the vampires of our youth?

Remember when you used to go to a vampire movie when you were a kid?  The sinister male lead, draped in an ominous black cape and his victims were all buxom, sensual women dressed in negligees? If you were an adolescent guy, it was the closest thing to soft core porn. If you were a budding girl, it was the closest thing to soft core porn. Ah, the guilty pleasure of it all! Then we got older, more worldly and the vampires of our youth were tossed next to old baseball spikes and unused dolls.
  And my how the vampires have changed! They lost their street creds and now, depending on what you watch or read, look as if they just stepped out of LA FITNESS and dress like models from Vogue or GQ. Then there is the ever popular Goth look so popular in movies nowadays--lots of Spandex and black leather (not that I don't appreciate that look with buxom vampires). Story lines have changed as well--now it all seems so soap opera, doesn't it? She's a vampire and he's a werewolf--how can their union survive? She's a vampire and he's some hunky mortal--how can their union survive? The best: the vampire king is evil as hell but there is a newer, younger, more hip version trying to usurp the vampire damn sad!
That why I wrote ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION, a vampire novel that doesn't insult an adult's intelligence or strain credulity. Of course there is a lot of sex (it IS a vampire novel, after all)! Along the way I've addressed the vampire legend in a different way, too. It ain't as easy to be a vampire these days but you'll have to read the book to find out. ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION is in the final stages of publication should be available it!

Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm being very sympathetic for Abigail this evening as I've been having a helluva toothache for the past two, sleepless nights.  What could be worse for a vampire than a toothache?  Well, of course there's the sun and the NSA. "Wait," you ask. "The NSA?"
And I answer with an emphatic YES!  Not much had changed for vampires for thousands of years--they knew where and how to hide but in this data-hungry age, records are kept of everything! Part of Abigail's problem (the problem of most predators) is how to remain hidden.
  Anyway, the book should be out soon and you can see how she deals with it!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

What can I say except that today I did nothing with the book, I was just too beaten up after working on it all day yesterday.  Instead, we went for a walk in downtown Delray Beach as the weather had climbed to the mid-70s!
 Oh, last night we watched FURY with Brad Pitt--we thought it was a damn good movie....


Sigh, just a miserable night of attempting to sleep. Now I already take ambien so it was pretty lousy just lying in bed and being wide awake! Was it all the work on the computer yesterday? Because I didn't  go for a bike ride?  All I know is that just gotta go out today and so something physical.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

About me

  I'm a virgin when it comes to social media but I'm plugging away at it!
  Right now I am in the middle of getting my latest novel, ABIGAIL'S BLOOD PASSION and it's been both a pleasure and a pain which sounds like a kink!
  I hope to learn more about this new tool and whether I can use # or not!